
Everyday Roses: Little Flower Spirituality for a Life in the Weeds

I am a recovering control freak, a woman with an anxiety disorder, a wife and mother learning how to balance … everything. I long for a contemplative life but don’t know how to sit in silence. I yearn to hear God’s voice but struggle to listen. I want to pray without ceasing but forget to make my life an offering. I desire to surrender everything to Jesus but don’t always trust him. I pledge to follow St. Thérèse’s Little Way of “everyday roses” but find myself living a life in the weeds.

After a decade working in philanthropy and digital media, I left the full-time workplace in 2021 to be a work-at-home mom. I serve as co-president and editor-in-chief of Catholic Women in Business and freelance as an editor and writer. In my free time, I love sitting down with a good book and a cup of Earl Grey tea, playing the piano, and taking walks in the sunshine with my family. My favorite saints are Sts. Joseph, Zélie, Thérèse, Teresa of Calcutta, and Teresa Benedicta (Edith Stein).

“Though we speak much we cannot reach the end, and the sum of our words is: ‘He is the all'” (Sirach 43:27).

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In print:

I’ve appeared on the following TV shows:

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I also speak at virtual and in-person events, including: