
When God Doesn’t Heal You: A Lesson From “The Chosen”

I first saw the scene on Instagram, but it went straight to my heart even out of context. In the second episode of season 3 of “The Chosen,” Little James, who we’ve seen walks with a limp, comes to Jesus after He commissions the Apostles. He tells him he finds it hard to believe that … Continue reading When God Doesn’t Heal You: A Lesson From “The Chosen”

From Management to Stewardship: Reframing How We Think About Time

My husband and I became parents in 2021. He works full time and I freelance and co-lead Catholic Women in Business. We both have projects and hobbies we’re passionate about, some of which fell by the wayside for a while after our daughter was born and some of which we still haven’t really picked back … Continue reading From Management to Stewardship: Reframing How We Think About Time

2022 Reads: My Favorite Books This Year

I read a lot of great books this year (and reread several more). Here are my favorites: "The Blue Castle," by L.M. Montgomery This was a re-read that my Well-Read Mom group decided to read along with "Anne of Green Gables." It sounded like a depressing setup but ended up being hilarious, charming, and a … Continue reading 2022 Reads: My Favorite Books This Year

Community and “IRL” Friendship Are the Cure for Comparison and Perfectionism

Our toddlers giggled and screeched at each other from across the table as we drank our coffees and chatted. We tried to shush them, but the people at the tables around us smiled and said "hi" to our toddlers. ("She's precious," one said to me as we left.) In the last couple of weeks, my … Continue reading Community and “IRL” Friendship Are the Cure for Comparison and Perfectionism